Holiday joys and oys
My husband went back to work on Thursday, and I came down with a whopper of a cold on Saturday--I was losing my voice, and if my nose had run any faster, it might have been eligible for the Olympics. I spent Hoshana Rabbah at the doctor's office instead of at synagogue, walking out with two prescriptions. I never made it to synagogue for Sh'mini Atzeret at all, and the only reason I went on Simchat Torah was to ensure that we got a minyan for the Torah service. It didn't help--we were still short one person on Erev (Eve of) Simchat Torah, and just davvened/prayed a regular Festival/Shalosh R'galim service.
We did, though, manage to get a minyan for the Morning Service. But what a crew we were! My husband, with his new kidney stent, was forbidden by his surgeon from carrying more than five pounds--good luck finding a Sefer Torah scroll that weighs five pounds or less. I couldn't sing, and didn't want to risk infecting anyone by participating in the hakafot. Our cantor had recently lost a close relative, and was forbidden by halachah/Jewish religious law from participating in the hakafot. And one other fellow was off of the hagbah list due to a visibly-injured hand. But, though we started the Torah service with exactly 11 people, we ended up with 17 by the end of the unusually-quiet and unusually-quick hakafot, so I took my sick self home. My husband told me that a congregant with tennis elbow ended up being hagbah for both of the larger scrolls because he was the only one there who was strong enough for the job, bad elbow notwithstanding. What an adventure!
Now, if you'll excuse Ms. Foghorn here, my herb tea with honey awaits.